Zabil 2Paca tajný spolek iluminátů?

Tupac Shakur, one of the most famous rappers, was shot dead almost fifteen years ago on his way to a nightclub where he was headed to celebrate his friend, boxer Mike Tyson (*1966). As his killers have never been caught, there are constant conspiracy theories about who actually killed him.

The most frequently mentioned version is that 2Pac (as the musician called himself) was killed by his longtime enemies from the Bad Boy record company. But there are also much more controversial theories that say that 2Pac is still alive, or even that he may have been murdered by the secret society of the Illuminati!

According to many conspiracy theories, the Illuminati are supposed to rule the whole world. 2Pac openly criticized this society in public and in his lyrics. And that was supposed to be his undoing.

Although not many of his friends believe this theory, its proponents point to his first posthumous album, called "Makaveli: The Don Killuminati The 7Day Theory". And the key word "Killuminati", which is supposed to mean "Kill Illuminati", keeps the fans of this theory on their toes.

Even more controversial is the hypothesis that this society also used other famous musicians and personalities for its own purposes. Among them, for example, was W. A. Mozart and many others....

Publikováno: 28. 02. 2011

Kategorie: Konspirace | Záhady